Yes I accidentally a word.
I'm starting this blog as a way to express myself without censorship or judgements. Without Limitations, Boundaries, or social meter sticks.
You see, I have the FB... And I HATE HATE HATE IT.
I don't really even want to get into WHY I hate FB... Far too many reasons.
The only thing I DO like about the FB is that I get social APPROVAL for my wittiness. :D
And I think that is a serious apron string that I need to cut.
I'm not a FB lurker. I'm not the type of person to look through the photo albums of my friends and family.
I don't typically use it for games... Although, in the last week I managed to get sucked back in to FARMVILLE. (Just another reason why I hate teh FB)
So rather than spamming my FB friends with Links and Randomness, all in the hopes that someone will give me the Thumbs up stamp of approval... I will be posting here.
Here is my Happy Hippy Canadiana Miscellany Mix